Massage Therapy, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Auto Insurance and Workers Compensation Insurance, Pain Relief in Taos, NM
Massage Therapy, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Auto Insurance and Workers Compensation Insurance, Pain Relief in Taos, NM
T a o s T h e r a p e u t i c M a s s a g e , L L C N e w M e x i c o L i c e n s e # M T 3 4 3 9
       T a o s  T h e r a p e u t i c  M a s s a g e ,  L L C                                                                  N e w   M e x i c o   L i c e n s e   # M T 3 4 3 9 

Advanced Massage Therapy & Bodywork for Relaxation,

Stress Relief,

Pain Relief

and Injury Recovery

Accepting Most Workers Compensation Insurance

Nationally Board Certified in Therapeutic Massage

& Bodywork since 1999

Certified by the Upledger Institute in CranioSacral Therapy Techniques

1332 Gusdorf Road, Unit E

Taos, New Mexico 87571


In-Office or Zoom Sessions by appointment only



Call or Text

 (575) 758-3868 main

(575) 770-4031 office cell


Please try both numbers - Here in Taos, NM phone service can be "off meditating."


Please leave a message when calling. We are monitoring the phone

M-Th and will return

your call.


Emails are the slowest to be answered, texts are the quickest.



Professional Membership

American Massage Therapy Association

We are New Mexico

Safe Certified for Proper  Covid-19 Practices

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© Taos Therapeutic Massage, LLC